●音樂快報:Mariah Carey - Almost Home(9歲的小女孩翻唱)

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MARIANGELI: "Saw 'Oz The Great and Powerful' this weekend & LOVED IT!! :) Made me want to do a cover of "Almost Home" by Mariah Carey!! Hope you guys realllyyyyy like it!!! :)"
*Please keep the comments clean! :) I'll have to make them go away if they aren't!*

"Almost Home"

Hey, hey.....
You're almost home
You're almost home
You're almost home

I've seen the light in the sky
In the skies are like fireflies
Burning bright, just to vanish in the dark

I've held hope in my two hands
That there would be another chance
To find the kingdom, I'm believing in my heart
Cause underneath the good there's something greater than you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home

When you run, run so far
You've forgotten who you are
Where you're from, it's like some other universe
You count your steps, like they're regrets
You catch one breath then lose the rest
Wrong is right, right is left
And there's nowhere left to turn

So don't believe in everything
You think, you think you know

When you're almost there
And you're almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
When you're almost there, almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home

When you let your heart be the compass
You won't get lost, not if you trust it
When you hear the sound of the trumpet
Louder than ever before

Oh, when you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Cause you're almost there
Almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home

When you're almost there
Almost home
Just open up your eyes and go, go
Almost there
You're almost home
Know you're not alone
You're almost home

原唱:瑪麗亞凱莉 版




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